League Standings
Tuesday PPA Womens Division 1
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 It's The Bubbles 6 4 45 2 The Fire Flys 6 4 39 3 Party Animals 6 2 34 4 Ball Breakers 6 2 33 5 Lets Do Shots 6 2 32 6 Legion Sausages 5 0 17 7 Dragonfly Dreamers 5 1 15 Wednesday International Division 1
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Parkway Newbies 7 5 72 2 Court Flyers 7 5 64 3 Court C Nuts 7 4 61 4 Court Misfits 7 3 55 5 Parkway Jokers 7 3 54 6 Nigel's Happy Keys 7 3 51 7 Parkway XTC 7 3 50 8 Bowls Club Nomads 7 2 41 Wednesday International Division 2
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Farcet Flukes 7 6 79 2 Boulevard Club 7 6 69 3 Norton Cavaliers 7 5 66 4 Cum Backs 7 2 54 5 OG Sportsbar A 7 3 52 6 Borough Boys 7 3 44 7 Ladies Of The Court 7 2 43 8 Court Cubs 7 1 41 Thursday International Division 1
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Court Gold 6 6 65 2 Parkway Rebels 6 3 53 3 Cross Keys Silver 5 4 50 4 Sportsbar Trickshots 5 4 45 5 Shotz All Round 6 3 45 6 Yard Muppets 6 2 39 7 Cosmic Keys 5 0 30 8 Booming Keys 5 0 25 Thursday International Division 2
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Court Flukes 6 5 62 2 Badgers Boys 6 4 57 3 Boulevard Barmy Army 6 3 52 4 Just 4 A Laff 6 4 50 5 Lions 5 4 49 6 Norfolk Un Goode 6 1 36 7 Ladies Of The Court 6 1 34 8 Trotters 5 1 28 Thursday International Division 3
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Boulevard 5 5 59 2 Yard Revels 5 5 56 3 Nice Rack 5 3 51 4 Just The Tip 6 3 47 5 Coopers Legends 5 1 30 6 Legionnaires International 5 0 23 7 Court Bing Bongs 5 1 22 Thursday PPA Division 1
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Whittle Till We Die 6 5 44 2 Quinns 6 3 37 3 Fletton Ex (A) 6 3 35 4 All Day Long 6 2 33 5 Bluebell Shots 6 2 31 6 Bluebell Nite Out 6 1 29 7 The Burghley 6 1 27 8 All Beer No Idea 6 1 22 Thursday PPA Division 2
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Fletton Lost N Found 6 6 51 2 Burghley Beercats 6 4 41 3 Dragonfly Dossers 6 4 36 4 Blue Boar Ballers 6 3 31 5 Boulevard Meerkats 6 2 28 6 Bluebell Dream Team 6 1 27 7 Georges Angels 6 1 24 8 PMSL 6 0 23 Thursday PPA Division 3
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 The Bullox 6 4 39 2 Boulevard Shaggers 6 3 38 3 Boar Bandits 6 3 34 4 Farcet Cuesticks 6 3 32 5 Better Second Half 6 2 32 6 Legionairs 6 2 30 7 The Talbot 6 1 28 8 Whittle Nomads 6 1 26 Thursday PPA Division 4
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Cross Keys Golfers 6 5 41 2 Court Appearance 6 4 41 3 Fly By Nights 6 3 36 4 The Rack Pack 6 3 36 5 Oxballs 6 2 33 6 I.Cues 6 1 26 7 Tarts On Tour 6 1 24 8 The Dragon Ballz 6 0 22 Thursday PPA Division 5
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Cora's Chosen Few 5 5 42 2 Whittlesey Warriors 5 3 40 3 The Moorhen 5 4 38 4 Coopers Crazy Gang 5 1 21 5 We've Got Balls 6 0 20 6 Right On Cue 5 1 19 7 Henry The 8th Bottle Jobs 5 1 15 Sunday/Monday Doubles PPA Division 1
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Danni Godfrey & Stuart Double 1 1 5 2 Tasha Whittington & Paul Johnson 1 1 5 3 Sarah Cook & Paul Stimson 1 0 3 4 Sam Baker & Geoff Tinkler 1 0 1 5 Kerry Keen-Robertson & Alan Keen-Robertson 0 0 0 Sunday/Monday Doubles IR Division 1
Team Name PlayedP WonW PointsPts 1 Sarah Cook & James Harford 1 1 5 2 Amanda Lethbridge & John Roe 1 1 5 3 Alex Cumpson & Sam Mancuso 1 0 2 4 Toni Strotten & Matt Felstead 1 0 1 5 Sally Pickering & Brendan Campbel 0 0 0 6 Paige Boreham & Jordan Matthews 0 0 0 7 Heidi Cunnington & Phil Cunnington 0 0 0 8 Courtney Boreham & Jaiden Roe 0 0 0 9 Danni Godfrey & Dom Bingham 0 0 0
Latest League Results
Tuesday PPA Womens Division 1 - 26/11/2024
Ball Breakers | 8 | Vs. | 2 | Dragonfly Dreamers |
It's The Bubbles | 6 | Vs. | 4 | Legion Sausages |
Lets Do Shots | 6 | Vs. | 4 | Party Animals |
Wednesday International Division 1 - 27/11/2024
Court C Nuts | 8 | Vs. | 7 | Parkway Newbies |
Parkway Jokers | 12 | Vs. | 3 | Parkway XTC |
Court Flyers | 9 | Vs. | 6 | Court Misfits |
Nigel's Happy Keys | 10 | Vs. | 5 | Bowls Club Nomads |
Wednesday International Division 2 - 27/11/2024
OG Sportsbar A | 8 | Vs. | 7 | Cum Backs |
Boulevard Club | 2 | Vs. | 13 | Farcet Flukes |
Borough Boys | 5 | Vs. | 10 | Norton Cavaliers |
Ladies Of The Court | 8 | Vs. | 7 | Court Cubs |
Thursday International Division 1 - 28/11/2024
Shotz All Round | 6 | Vs. | 9 | Sportsbar Trickshots |
Cross Keys Silver | 7 | Vs. | 8 | Court Gold |
Yard Muppets | 8 | Vs. | 7 | Parkway Rebels |
Booming Keys | Vs. | Cosmic Keys |
Thursday International Division 2 - 28/11/2024
Just 4 A Laff | 6 | Vs. | 9 | Lions |
Trotters | 8 | Vs. | 7 | Ladies Of The Court |
Badgers Boys | 6 | Vs. | 9 | Court Flukes |
Boulevard Barmy Army | 10 | Vs. | 5 | Norfolk Un Goode |
Thursday International Division 3 - 28/11/2024
Just The Tip | 6 | Vs. | 9 | Boulevard |
Coopers Legends | 1 | Vs. | 14 | Nice Rack |
Legionnaires International | 7 | Vs. | 8 | Court Bing Bongs |
Thursday PPA Division 1 - 28/11/2024
Quinns | 5 | Vs. | 5 | Whittle Till We Die |
All Beer No Idea | 6 | Vs. | 4 | Bluebell Nite Out |
The Burghley | 4 | Vs. | 6 | Bluebell Shots |
All Day Long | 7 | Vs. | 3 | Fletton Ex (A) |
Thursday PPA Division 2 - 28/11/2024
PMSL | 3 | Vs. | 7 | Burghley Beercats |
Fletton Lost N Found | 9 | Vs. | 1 | Georges Angels |
Blue Boar Ballers | 6 | Vs. | 4 | Boulevard Meerkats |
Bluebell Dream Team | 4 | Vs. | 6 | Dragonfly Dossers |
Thursday PPA Division 3 - 28/11/2024
Boulevard Shaggers | 5 | Vs. | 5 | Boar Bandits |
The Bullox | 6 | Vs. | 4 | Legionairs |
Whittle Nomads | 5 | Vs. | 5 | The Talbot |
Farcet Cuesticks | 6 | Vs. | 4 | Better Second Half |
Thursday PPA Division 4 - 28/11/2024
The Rack Pack | 7 | Vs. | 3 | Oxballs |
Fly By Nights | 3 | Vs. | 7 | Cross Keys Golfers |
I.Cues | 2 | Vs. | 8 | Court Appearance |
Tarts On Tour | 6 | Vs. | 4 | The Dragon Ballz |
Thursday PPA Division 5 - 28/11/2024
We've Got Balls | 4 | Vs. | 6 | Henry The 8th Bottle Jobs |
The Moorhen | 5 | Vs. | 5 | Whittlesey Warriors |
Cora's Chosen Few | 10 | Vs. | 0 | Right On Cue |
Sunday/Monday Doubles PPA Division 1 - 25/11/2024
Sarah Cook & Paul Stimson | 3 | Vs. | 5 | Danni Godfrey & Stuart Double |
Tasha Whittington & Paul Johnson | 5 | Vs. | 1 | Sam Baker & Geoff Tinkler |
Sunday/Monday Doubles IR Division 1 - 25/11/2024
Sarah Cook & James Harford | 5 | Vs. | 1 | Toni Strotten & Matt Felstead |
Courtney Boreham & Jaiden Roe | Vs. | Sally Pickering & Brendan Campbel | ||
Alex Cumpson & Sam Mancuso | 2 | Vs. | 5 | Amanda Lethbridge & John Roe |
Danni Godfrey & Dom Bingham | Vs. | Paige Boreham & Jordan Matthews |